Running for the thrill of it

"We are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it. Always pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of it... I'm just in awe of what's in front of me."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Small Steps

I have started running again. My progress has been stilted and bumpy with various niggles setting me back. On most runs, my feet ache by the end, or my shins hurt at the start and my body just doesn't respond the way I would like. It appears that four months on the sidelines with my bung foot has set me back a long way and I just need to slowly ease my way back in.

For these reasons I have decided not to race, not to set weekly mileage targets and not to speed train. My focus is form. It is back to basics with drills training, short runs, multiple rest days and very small increases to mileage each week. Until I am running 60km a week without pain, I will not enter a race.

On Friday I ran 7km withjout any pain. I am feeling positive. I will breathe deeply and remember that there are far worse things than not running as much as you want or missing Glass House.

In other news, I have rediscovered my love of running skirts. Girls, get yourselves a speed skirt from Lululemon.

I am most excited for Chris who is training for Glasshouse 100km and all the lovely MLR ladies who are running too. Good luck to those doing their first 100miles. I am in awe of you all!

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